Listen, I've got a good excuse for my absence, and it's not a lame, "I was busy," excuse (although I was). My computer had a nasty virus, well, 3 actually, as well as a slew of other problems. Thus, no blogging play time for me until I had time to deal with my poor old girl.
And I finally did!
TaDa! I've whipped my old horse so she'll ride for another day. We'll see how long she lasts, she really is on her last legs.
Now, because of my computer problems, I was stuck with my tiny netbook, Bijou, to satisfy my computer needs. Let my tell you, for interneting, she doesn't really cut the cake. So I have really been off the grid for a while. Now, today, I'm trying to get caught up and, as rarely happens, Facebook gave me a shiny gem of fun. I'm sure you know how rare that is, when Face actually gives you an "OH!" moment... that sounded pretty dirty actually... anyway a family member put up this link and I, being internet deprived for the passed while, actually followed it.
I was brought to a site that creates a video from Santa Claus to your child. To be honest, I thought it was a bit cheesy, just reading about it, but once I filled out the "Magic Card" and saw the video... it's some serious fun. If I got this as a kid, I would probably still be a believer now. Well, I sorta am anyway, but you know what I mean.
To make one, go here Magic Santa and fill out the Magic Card info.
To see one made, you can plug pf7odq into the retrieve line and watch Kaid's.
Go make one now, you and your child can thank me later.

1 comment:
OMG, I made one of those for the little guy and he sat on my lap and watched the entire thing. Too cute :)
Thanks for sharing and welcome back, you were missed ;)
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