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Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Quote of the Day:

"Life is like an onion: you peel it off one layer at a time, and sometimes you weep."
~Carl Sandburn             

Monday, June 28, 2010

MusicVideoMonday: Jon and Roy

So, the wedding. What do I say about the wedding? It was beautiful, that's a given considering the location

and all the pretty people

But that's not the memory that will forever be branded into my mind when someone mentions our friends wedding. That memory will be of one of my table mates, the one that puked an entire bottle of red wine onto my table during the speeches.

This was unfortunately equally as funny and gross as it was mortifying for the poor bastard that did it (and his wife).

But anyways, onto MVM.

Have you heard of Jon and Roy. They are this awesome band from Victoria that sorta reminds me of a Trevor Hall/Jack Johnson-ish combo.

Recently they visited our tiny island (Not to play. I don't actually know why... or maybe I did and I've forgotten, but that's all the same, isn't it?), and our friend Sam randomly met them. As I've mentioned before, Kim and I love that sorta thing... connections through friends.

The Video we've chosen for you today is Another Noon, you might recognize the song, it was in a Volkswagen commercial .We both love this one and hope you do too.


Saturday, June 26, 2010

Wondering where the lions are.....

Well, I kind of got inspired by my song choice for the day. It's a great remake of the Bruce Cockburn 1979 original....Wondering where the lions are. I love Donavan Frankenreiter, he has a lovely voice.

My family is quite the nature show watchers and nature photography lovers, we all enjoy. We could spend the whole day cuddled on the couch watching shows and movies about animals.

Clay has gone on a camping stag trip today, Soren has gone to a's just the girls & I, and today kinda feels like a lazy Sunday (even though it's Saturday), I think we are going to snuggle and watch a movie tonight.
Hope you all have a great day & night!

Friday, June 25, 2010


Today, I get to go to my son's class and listen to a bunch of 10 year old recite their own poetry. Are you jealous? Of course you are. What sane person wouldn't be fighting tooth and nail for the chance to hear how deeply someone feels about PB&J, or skateboarding, or Hannah Montana? I'd cut a bitch to go, if I wasn't already invited that is.

But listen, while I'm enjoying an intellectually stimulating afternoon at our local elementary school, and you're not, I'm going to leave you with something to make the jealously slightly less intense. Yup, our playlist.

We've included a few MJ songs, because although we both agree that he was a total perv, he was also a classic, and part of our childhoods. So we've chosen a couple of our favorite songs to remember him by on his d-day.

Have a glorious weekend, All.
I'll be at a Wedding. Chris is part of the wedding party, so I get to hang with my tuxed-out hubby. I love a man in a tux.

Hearts & Bubbles,

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Thursday, June 24, 2010

June 24th means...

Dear K,

  Did you know that a whole bunch of cool stuff happened in history on June 24th?

  Stuff Like:

  • The First War of Scottish Independence ended with the Scots kicking the Brits asses (that's the WilliamWallace/BraveHeart/MelGibson war, if you don't know. Remember when MG was all sane and yummy-like? Those were good days.)
  • The colony of New Jersey was founded (before the Brits (ya, Brits again, they were totes greedy back then) took it and named it that, part of the state had been settled by Dutch and Swedish ppl, you know that means, right? That's right. Good Chocolate. No wonder the B's wanted it.)
  • Siam was renamed as Thailand... again.
  • A Captain Cabot (re)discovered(ah-hem, while working for the Brits) Newfoundland, Canada (after the Vikings had discovered it long before, of course.)   
  and also...

  Did you know that you were born on June 24th?


  It's your birthday and I'm so glad that you were born.

  Do you know why?

  If you had never been born, I would never know what time it is, and all those things that you remember for me, well they would never be remembered at all!

  So, my theory is: You were born for me.

  You were born to make my life a little bit easier. To make it run a little smoother. As my lady Martha S. would say, "It's a Good Thing."

  Thank you for being born, K.

  Happy Birthday.

  I love you inside, outside, upside down
  as much as brand new socks,

  PS. So, yesterday, I Googled what ppl that are born on your day are supposed to be like, just in case you didn't know and have been doing it wrong. But I think you've actually been doing pretty good. Check it out.


PPS. When I'm old, I want to be just like you....

Photo Source: 1, 3, 4 and 2

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

My Lastest Obsession........

About a week ago my daughter (Rumer) got a birthday card from her Gramma......and we both instantly fell in love with the art on the card. The artists name is Camilla d'Errico. She lives in Vancouver, BC (which is super cool...a canadian girl). I went on the computer and googled her name, found her website, and tons of pictures of her paintings and comic books she has illustrated for. I think now I'll have to buy some of her prints, maybe even a t-shirt. I love everything about her art !!!! Love it!!!

Here are a few of her paintings:

Canadian Tiger
Unwavering Hearts
Nature's Course
Lions and Lambs
The Purple Tear Girl
Apple Tree Queen
Sticky Licking
Cotton Candy Curly Cue
Hello My Kitty Land
Dancing With Cranes
Dressed Up Disorder
Bone Bride

All photos from

I hope you enjoy her art as much as I do! Let me know what you think and share with me some artists that you love!!

Monday, June 21, 2010

Music Video Monday

            Happy Summer Solstice!!!!      
How are you spending this not so sunny summer solstice ?? My husband and I were just asking ourselves that same question....what are we going to do today? It's not hot enough to lay on the beach......and we both have the day off to day so we wanted to do something.....other then cleaning the house :( So, we have decided to go and do firewood....yes firewood, I know it's summer, but you always have to stock up for next winter, you can never have enough firewood, and it's a good workout!         


So, back to music video monday......right, so the video chosen today was not really chosen for any particular reason other then it's a great favorite on their Fantasies cd....Metric - Stadium Love....hope you like it too!!! Enjoy your day!

Friday, June 18, 2010

Friday's Fae Fusion

Hey everyone.....

It's a cloudy day out there today, compared to the rest of our week, it's kinda depressing....I love the makes me happy. So, I'm off to town today to do grocery shopping.....not so fun but I do love the end result...full cupboards!!

Well, it's another music day for you guys.....are you getting sick of all our music yet??

xo kim

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Wednesday, June 16, 2010


So two nights in a row, I've had a dream that someone was chasing me, trying to kill me. Now I'm not going to bore you with the details of said dreams, because listening to other ppls dreams is about as much fun as shitting in a crowded public bathroom, except to say this: One of them took place at a futuristic mall... inside of a pineapple.

Listen, the pineapple part, it's kinda thrown me for a loop. I've never had a dream about being inside a fruit before. Have you?



Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Something Postponed, Canceled and Random

Something Postponed:

Kim and I had grand plans to finally put stuff in our Etsy store June 15th (we opened it, like, forever ago. No, really, forever ago)... What's the date? Yeeeeah... that's right. I've decided that June 30th is the new 15th (erm... hope that's cool, Kim). And maybe the fact that I've put it out there for all of you to read will mean that we will stick to it.


Somehow, June is getting away from me. I blame work. Even though (eh-hem) someone likes to remind me that I only work 1-3 days a week, 1-3 short days, I still blame work. I blame work not because it takes up so much of my time, no, it's because my routine, the routine I've been maintaining for the last few years, is thrown off. Which fucks me right up. I'm a creature of habit and routine. I know, everyone sorta is, but I'm a little extreme in this aspect. Mess with my routine, and you may as well have given me a lobotomy. I'm a drooling, scatterbrained mess.

Pretty soon, this work thing will be part of my routine, and then I'll go back to normal. Or as normal as I ever was, I anyways.

Something Canceled (this week):

As you might have noticed, MusicVideoMonday didn't happen yesterday. Why? Because, after work, we didn't want to do it. That's it.

Something Random: 

I've a theory to share with you. I believe that your first thought of the day sets the tone for your next 24hrs.  Sure, you can totally change the tone, but there is always that undercurrent of where it began. Sometimes, it can almost be a bit of a fortune teller, in fact.

My first thought of the day was:

"Gah! Is that stink from me?!"


So, ya know, I'm thinking that my day is going to be a bit of a mishmash today. Here's my break down of the thought and what it means for the day:

1. It was truly a god awful stink, like maybe my worst ever. Waking up to the smell... well it was like waking up to someone else's stink, and we all know how nasty that is.

2. I'm always fairly proud of my smells... and since this was an especially potent one. Well I was seriously impressed... with myself.


My day is going to be kinda shitty, but I'm going to be cool with that.

What was your first thought of the day?

Friday, June 11, 2010


Well, we are off to work again we finally got it together the night before to have some music ready for you guys......bright and early! Hope you have a wonderful day filled with sunshine, happiness, love and great music!!! Enjoy!!

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Wednesday, June 09, 2010

A book......

If you are like me and you are interested in the food we eat and feed our kids, where it comes from and how it has changed over time...our so called "western diet",  then I have a great book to recommend. It's called In The Defense Of Food by Michael Pollan.

So, if you have some extra time on your hands, give this book a try.....and let me know what you think!