You know the kind. The type that has you still wrapped up in it's emotions as you wake up.
Therefore, the first thing I did this morning was to accusingly say, "You lost fifteen grand in Las Vegas!!!" to my husband and then glare at him until he stopped trying to cuddle me and slunk out of bed.
In hindsight, I probably should've gotten up and apologized, once I'd woken up enough to realize how ridiculous it was to be mad at him. Except, well, I'd rather, kinda-sorta, give up a kidney, or my left eye, than apologize... like, for anything... ever. Not a great personality trait, I know, but I think it's a fairly common one, right? Erm...
Anyway, I suppose it probably gave Chris something to bitch about at work today, with the boys. His crazy wife. Which is a nice treat for him, since I never give him anything to complain, ever. I'm too awesome for that, obviously. In fact, I bet I made his day. : ]
(This is what awesome looks like. Oh and cute, cute too. Obviously.)
You can thank me when you get home, Chris.