"We'd like one Reese's Pieces Blizzard and one onion rings, please." I order without making eye contact with the worker. Never do, not sure why.
"What size Blizzard?"
"Well, we're sharing... What size, Kim?" I know as I turn to her that asking her is a mistake, but I can't take it back.
"I don't know, a small?
Gah! I Knew it! "A small? Really? Fine. We'll get a small one, please," I say grudgingly.
"And what size onion rings?"
"Ummm..." I think of what Kim's going to want, I am a really good friend after all, "A small..." I can't stick to it though, "No, that's not enough. A small's not enough, Kim." I try to make her understand.
And she does.
"No, a small is not enough. We'd better get a basket..."
This is why she's my best friend.
(Lesson of the Day: Sharing = Guilt-free. Regardless of the quantity)
Did you know (#2) that today, in Canada, it's Dairy Queen's Miracle Treat Day? The day that they give $1 or more, from every Blizzard sale, to your local Children's Hospital. I figure that if you're eating icecream for charity, then it's not only guiltfree, it's something to be proud of, right?
OK, to be honest, I don't ever feel guilty about eating icecream. I can eat it for breakfast with a clear conscience. I can eat it for all three, breakfast, lunch and dinner, without a twinge (well, there'd be a twinge in my stomach, since me and lactose aren't actually supposed to tango, but really, life with no icecream or chocolate is sad. I've lived it, I know. I won't do it anymore). For those of you, however, that do feel bad about such things as calories and sugar intake, today is your day to indulge.
Eat a DQ Blizzard, eat two.
Eat one for me and one for you.
And then go brag about it.

Such a good and worthy cause!!!! I think we should go over and indulge ourselves ;)
I'm heading into town for this very reason! Just because you told me to. And I'm not getting a small either!
haha thats great! reminds me of my friend and i when we try and share something bad for us. i wish i lived in canada and now i really wish i lived in canada so my blizzard money went to childrens hospitals.
p.s. im grabbing your button.
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