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Friday, October 01, 2010

A Playlist

(photo source)

Remember when Fridays were about playlists around here?

I almost do. Sortof.

So I made you one. A KindaSmallNotSoBrilliant one. It's a not so brilliant one only because this music is pretty old. For some reason the playlist site we use had none of the new music that is on my current playlist. However, sometimes old music can become new music and maybe what's old to me is new to you. Maybe.

Can you tell from my play with font here that I'm procrastinating? Can you guess what I'm supposed to be doing? (cleaning. shhhhhhhhhh. don't say it outloud...)

Kim's in Victoria, snuggling her new baby nephew today. And I'm jealous. I like to snuggle babies too. Especially when they're not mine and I can give them back when they stink or make bad sounds.

Did you notice? I'm cranky. I know. It's pretty obvious, my regular self is all sunshine and rainbows. Deal with it. 

So yeah, I'm bitchy and these are my reasons why:
I have to clean
I had no candy for breakfast
Facebook is not entertaining me the way it's supposed to
My socks don't match

What? You think these are stupid things to get cranky about? Well maybe that's why you get a KindaSmallNotSoBrilliant playlist after all. Bitch


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